Michael Marshall
Founder and Managing Partner
Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Marshall, based in the Los Angeles area, is the Founder and Managing Partner at Atago Pacific Investment Partners. Mr. Marshall has focused exclusively on value creation in the private investment markets for alternative investments for more than thirty-five years in global markets including the U.S., UK, Japan, Korea, Australia, and sub-Sahara Africa. Mr. Marshall is the co-founder of Atago Pacific Partners, which was created in 2010 to bridge cross border investment advisor activity originated from a former principal investment company based in Tokyo Japan, PineRidge Partners. Mr. Marshall lived and worked in Japan for more than two decades and speaks fluent Japanese.
Mr. Marshall was previously the Founder, President and CEO of a middle market, Tokyo based, buyout firm, PineRidge Partners from 2003-2010. PineRidge Partners was one of the first middle market buyout firms established in Japan to focus on asset backed (real estate) buyouts of publicly listed or privately held operating companies. While managing PineRidge, Mr. Marshall was intimately involved in transactions with major Japanese corporates including Hitachi, Denon, Columbia Music Entertainment, Sammy Sega, and others, all of which included real estate as a core component of the investment thesis. Prior to PineRidge Partners, Michael was a senior Investment Banker with Soros Real Estate Investors in Japan from 2001-2003, working with leading Japanese companies focused on corporate buyouts and turnaround in Japan’s $3 trillion retail sector with such operators such as: Seibu, Daiei, and other large retail conglomerates.
Mr. Marshall also worked for Morgan Stanley (MSREF) in Los Angeles, New York, Japan, and Australia from 1996-2000. Mr. Marshall was responsible for investments of almost $15 billion in market value as a senior investment banker. He participated in the development of leading Japanese real estate firms, such as Pacific Management (PMC) and helping launch Da Vinci. Mr. Marshall also spent ten years with AEW, a private equity real estate investment manager, and at Security Pacific Bank in Los Angeles, both as Vice President in the principal investment, asset management and acquisitions and workout groups.
Mr. Marshall is a graduate from the Anderson Graduate School at UCLA and has an undergraduate degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Mr. Marshall has published several investment reviews under the title, The Industrial Real Estate Brief. Mr. Marshall is also a board member of Sushi Ventures, a London and Haifa based technology Investment Fund and Tokyo based, NASC International, a security technology company.
Mr. Marshall also serves as an advisor to a global DEI platform, OMT.

818.459.4673 | info@atagopacificip.com | LinkedIn
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